consumer psychology

Behavioral Economics Marketing to Customers, People, & Groups

2017-01-25T08:43:56-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Online Marketing, Politics|Tags: , |

And Never Forget, Marketers: You Have Irrational Economic Behaviors, Biases and Frameworks, Too. If there's one thing (from my side of the isle) that allows us to intertwine a discussion on behavioral economics, social dynamics, and [...]

Does Marketing Buzz Outweigh Marketing Message & Brand

2017-01-25T08:43:57-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas|Tags: , , |

I blame facebook (and possibly Teletubbies, but I'm not sure why the latter just yet) for the direction in which the buzz vs message balance is shifting. Why blame? Primarily due to the manner in which [...]

Making Marketing Message About The Consumer Not The Product.

2017-01-25T08:43:58-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas, Motivations|Tags: , , |

The 2008 presidential election finally drove this marketing concept home: "...this was never about me, it's about YOU" (insert massive crowd cheering here). As Generation ME started determining what and how we shape (and send) marketing [...]

Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In High School

2017-01-25T08:43:59-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych, Marketing Ideas, Motivations|Tags: , , |

We all learn to share in kindergarten; learn to divide and find our demographic in junior high, and discover in high school that it's possible to be part of a social clique, yet still cater to [...]

Making People Feel Special in Marketing Messages

2017-01-25T08:44:01-08:00Categories: Consumer Psych|Tags: , , |

I laughed at myself last night. No, that's not quite right. It was more of one of those, tilt head, shake head slightly, make a "phhssshhffff" sound, smile, and mumble something about how I need to getta' [...]

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