poliARC Philosophy
- How does this get us more qualified leads?
- How does this improve how we operate?
poliARC doesn’t have a problem speaking truth to power, and views consulting as a position of honest advisement, not client appeasement.
Debate on merits, always give options, make a decision, and move on to the next issue.
poliARC does not believe that all products and services should be sold “Universal CRM” style like stocks and life insurance.
Every product has a different client mindset, and companies should respect that. We first work to understand your clients, then we help you develop campaigns and systems to cater directly to what makes them unique.
Too many marketing and management strategies silo departments. poliARC does not agree with that approach. Marketing and management experience in the US and EU has proven that to get the most out of your resources they need to support and be aware of one another. Marketing campaigns should work together just like people and departments.
The more everyone is aware of the big picture, the more effective the company will be, as well as the more loyal staff and customers.
Trim The Middle
Too often processes are burdened by unnecessary intermediate steps and bottlenecks. poliARC knows what can be improved, and what can be eliminated.
Simplify When Possible
If you want to gather “more stuff” do it in your garage, not in an operations system. What a system does NOT do is just as important as what it does. “Total integration” of hundreds of third-party platforms sounds cool in a sales pitch, but inevitably it slows and complicates the core purpose.
Know When To Stop
We seek to discover the points at which putting more in will not get more out. A big part of being efficient is knowing when to say when, and move on.
poliARC is the DBA of Paul W. Hughes. All poliARC clients work directly with Paul during planning, development, and implementation. More info on Paul’s background…